Thursday, April 19, 2012

Back? Maybe? Kinda?

OK, so the whole other blog thing didn't work out. I'm just gonna transfer the posts I had there below this one. So, if you're interested, keep scrollin'.

Am I blogging again?  I dunno.  I do have a blog for my business, which remains completely disconnected from my identity here because, hello? The Internet is full of spies? I mean, you know your next job interviewer/loan officer/dominatrix is going to Google you at some point, and then you'll have to explain yourself.  And also prove you're a U.S. citizen, change all you credit cards, and/or go on the run, because someone else now has your identity... and maybe your wife, too.

Anyhoo, mainly I'm just popping in because I'm so delighted to see FirstNations has been blogging again.  Not that there's any point in anyone else blogging once she is, because she's just that good, but... well, you know.  I'm always hoping I'll improve, or something.  Or maybe get all evil and leech on society and get lots of money. I'm still working it out.


Heather said...

Yay! Maybe if YOU start blogging again, it'll nudge ME into blogging again. Which I haven't once this year. Oh, the guilt (which is ridiculous because really, no one cares if I blog or not.......)

PS - I almost fainted when I saw your blog pop up in my blog reader this morning. Better than a shot of caffeine, that shock was. :-D

Da Nator said...

Don't get too excited. I have good intentions but am famously lazy. ;o)

Steve. Because 'Steve' is almost as nice a name as 'Paul'. said...

I come to this so ridiculously late to the game and I regret it so because I HAVE MISSED YOU. If you happen by this post here, you know the drill. Thank you for your lovely nice words.