Monday, February 12, 2007

When in Doubt, Say Mean Things About Celebrities

1. I wonder if anyone else who caught the Grammies last night was as horrified as I was by the plastic surgery parade that was the Smokey Robinson/Lionel Richie/Chris Brown segment. Smokey and Lionel had both had enough skin sliced from their faces to have as few wrinkles as 17-year-old Chris Brown. The effect, however, is eerie. Smokey, in particular, has that look of perpetual, wide-eyed surprise that comes from several too many face lifts. Classy.

2. We've been watching Top Design since Top Chef ignominiously ended, and let me tell you, it is no Project Runway. Not only are the judges and attempted catchphrases boring ("goodbye" is not equal to "auf wiedersehen", people), but Todd Oldham comes across as kind of creepy. We can't tell if his stilted delivery is due to an attempt to seem Mr. Rogers-esque nice, or if he actually cannot read and deliver lines properly (we can't imagine that he actually talks like that - does he?). There's one thing for certain though: he looks like the secret love child of Ellen Degeneres and Bob Denver.

3. If Anna Nicole Smith was our generation's Marilyn Monroe, the world can't end soon enough.

Now, back to work...

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Heather said...

Well, we didn't watch the Grammy show, nor do we watch Top Design (our hearts belong to Tim Gunn, thankyouverymuch), so I have nothing relevant to comment upon regarding your actual post.

Instead, I feel compelled to comment on the animal of the day over on the sidebar. HEE! SHEEP!


Da Nator said...

Well, if they're gay sheep, I suppose they count as some sort of celebrities...

FirstNations said...

couldn't care less about celebrities.
although once i begged a smoke off Cheap Trick's bassist in the lobby of the Portland Oregon Red Lion Inn. And got stoned with Echo and the Bunnymen. and The Wipers.
so, yeah.
oh, and I barrelled full tilt into John Travolta while I was carrying a load of folded sheets over my shoulder. I never saw him.

claire said...

oh my god, what IS up with Todd Oldham? It's just so... awkward? I've been trying to figure out if that really is how he talks or if he's feeling kind of he should be acting or something.
TheBoy says it's because he's canadian... he's so mean.

TigerYogi said...

1) Didn't watch it. I'm at the point where I don't know who most of these people are anymore, so why bother?

2) Todd Oldham IS creepy...

3) You can't make that stuff up...