Monday, May 29, 2006
If Cher Can Get A New Decor Every Few Years, So Can I
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Oh, My God

Oh, to have been born Catholic...
Monday, May 22, 2006
Fore-ay Into Fashion
Polo shirts, also known as golf shirts, became wildly popular in the late 70s and early 80s as part of the "preppy" style. Having a teenage sister in a private school in Pennington, NJ, at the time (and later going to private school in Princeton for the last three years of high school, myself) I became quite familiar with this trend. To me, it smacked of privileged whiteness and uniformity, and I viewed it with some disdain. Unless it was part of a gym uniform, I wouldn't be caught dead in one of the things.
Back off, Townie - you can't have my Tab!
Fast forward, and the polo shirt has become ubiquitous across various social and class groups. Still, it rubs me the wrong way. To me, it's now emblematic of middle America, and the middle class, white EveryDad, in particular (EveryDad being a far cry from being a "Daddy", if you know what I mean). Everybody wears it as sort of a "dressy" t-shirt - something you don't have to think too much about. It's boring, unavoidable, and apparently part of the national civilian uniform.
The problem is, it flatters me.
I went shopping this weekend, and it's always a chore. Being fat does not afford one many clothing choices. Being a not-wealthy, fat woman even less. Apparently, if you are a woman, being fat somehow nullifies some of your femininity, so you are supposed to wear extra frills, floral patterns, bright colours and bedazzles to make yourself semi-appealng, because nobody likes a fat, dykey woman. Alas, a fat, dykey woman is exactly what I am. I like simple clothes, decently tailored, in natural fibres. You can see where I'm at odds, therefore, with the clothing industry. Most of my clothes and shoes are designed for short men, which means they fit me oddly in some ways, but are at least closer to what I like. Believe me, it's murder tyring to find simple work shoes in a men's size 6. (Also, I loathe shoelaces, but that's another story.)
Yet, I don't want to look completely masculine. It's just that I grew up in the eighties, where men and women alike wore Doc Martens, men's jackets with the sleeves rolled up, Capezios and ties.
I don't want to switch to rhinestone flip-flops and Indian skirts - and I wouldn't want to even if I was skinny. We also have to watch our money. So, when at Old Navy , Mrs. Nator remarked to me "if I don't absolutely love something, I don't bother to buy it," I shot back "for me, if something kind of fits me and isn't atrocious, I pretty much have to buy it." Because otherwise? I'd be fat and naked.So, it was with this in mind that I remembered that some short-sleeved collared shirts I have are some of the most flattering ones I own, and I forced myself to try on some polo shirts.
Damn. They're thinning. They're comfortable. Is this why all the Dads wear 'em?
I'm still kind of mortified, but I'd rather be thinned, comfortable and clothed mortified than wearing long-sleeved shirts all summer, sweaty, and stained mortified.
Perhaps one day I will have the money, body, or both to be semi-fashionable again (or satisfy my own, specific and rather expensive tastes in fashion).
Until then, maybe I'll just take up golfing. I hear it's all the rage with Dads.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
At the risk of receiving hate mail from fans of the sport, I've said it before and I'll say it again: animals were not meant to be selectively bred and raced this way.
It really breaks my heart.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Buried With A Donkey, He's My Favourite Honky

I remember being fascinated with King Tut back when the first exhibition of his treasures toured the U.S. in the seventies. I also remember seeing my first mummy in a museum, and how spooky and utterly intriguing I found it. As I recall my interest, in particular, with the fact that the mummy was not just an example of thousands-year old dessicated human remains, but a naked one at that, I could chalk it up to having seen very few unclothed adults by that point in my life. However, I've always figured it was more likely due to my being an odd child, in general.
Well, perhaps I wasn't all that odd, after all. It turns out that scientists have been concerned for some time with something: King Tut's penis. More specifically, they were concerned as to where it was, as it has been missing for years.
Well, I think we can all rest a little easier tonight. The royal jimmy has been found.
Considering all the fetishes out there, can mummy porn be far behind?
Even Super Lesbians Can’t Dance

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I Hear It’s All The Rage In Paris, or: Why I Should Never Volunteer To Help Anyone With Anything
First of all, when I leaned down to pick up the front of the stroller, my backpack, which I only had on one shoulder, whipped around and nearly clocked the infant in the face. Nonplussed, the mother offered to carry my bag, which sort of defeated the purpose of my helping her, I thought, so I waved her off. Instead, I put the stroller back down and put my bag on both shoulders, then proceeded again. Instead of trying to grab it by the side and walk down forwards, however, I opted to grab it from the front and back down the stairs, for some reason, but then I got nervous that I’d trip and take us all with me. So, I grabbed the railing with one hand, thus causing the stroller to list crazily to one side. At this point, the mother’s face was unmistakably projecting “perhaps I should have rejected her offer.” Finally, about four steps from the bottom, I looked up at the adorable tyke, whose upper face was incongruously covered by a lemon yellow hoodie, making him or her look like the world’s smallest monk or gangsta rapper, only to be met with a projectile blurp. Nice.
Of course, the mother was very apologetic, and I assured her that I understood these things happen with little ones. Luckily, the kid was tiny, so it was no more than milky spit, but nonetheless I bid a hasty retreat, digging in my bag for a tissue pack with my one dry arm on my way through the turnstile.
I love the smell of breast milk in the morning.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Rainy Tuesday Blogging
All of which comes to: I’m probably not doing any major thought-provoking, meaningful posting for a little while. I actually had a number of interesting (I think) topics I wanted blather on recently, but, maybe later.
For now, just a few disjointed thoughts on how to keep one’s spirits up during weeks of rain and girlfriendly mucus:

Those are my deep thoughts for the day. Now go do something that makes you feel good.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Just What Is The "NY Lifestyle"?
I hope you can see this ad below. Scroll down to the bottom. (I got this from an email list I'm on of NYC events.)Huh?
This is a company that promotes drinking/dining/social parties and has classifieds, focusing on the NYC 20s-40s scene. I think it's trying to be like
I wrote MetroChai a letter asking, "Looking for clarity: are you implying you have a 'casting couch' for talented female writers? Do you want stories about soft porn ads for Versace? Or are you looking for interesting stories about blow jobs?"
If you want to give them feedback, click here
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Not What You Expected
BTW, you and everyone else are welcome to comment on my latest blog design question. Sorry, no horse dick included!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
How Do I Look?
So, taking it all into consideration, I've been playing around, and worked up a new template here. It's just a draft - I'm sure there's more to be done to it - but I've done enough that I'm a bit burned out by now and could use some input.
So, nu? Likes, dislikes? Old template, new? Please let me know what you think (so I can stop staring at the damn thing)...
Poor, Poor David Blaine
Meanwhile, in Darfur...
Gawker has the acid review and the clip. Meanwhile, I will try to parlay my "skills" into a high-paying media event. What's the record for hours spent Web surfing in a terry robe? I hear it may involve risking the dreaded "Mouse-Clicker Finger"...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Why The French Are Cooler Than Us
Friday, May 05, 2006
Talk To Me, Baby
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Paris Is Burning
Stupid America. Eat it, bitches.
And The Answer Is: None More Gay

We are going to see Rufus Wainwright at Carnegie Hall, where he will be performing the entire legendary 1961 Judy Garland concert with an orchestra. Squeeeeee!
Oh, my God. I think I just sprained my Gay.
Of course, considering all this it becomes painfully clear that what Mrs. Nator and I are, actually, is gay men, which comes as some surprise to us, not having penises.* But we just paid a buttload for those tickets, so, we will no doubt soldier on. See you at Splash?
* By the way, over the course of the last two posts, I must have typed the word "penis" more times than I... well, ever. So, then: vagina, vagina, vagina!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Spawn Sung Blue
And that’s another thing here, because my cats? Three of them, and then the two turtles? It’s not like we’re taking the best care of them we possibly could, to begin with. I mean, there are weeks the litter does not get scooped, or the turtle tank water evaporates to half its regular volume, or we just feel repeatedly compelled to yell “What, you big, whiny, baby - WHAT?” at one or the other or all of them (OK, that’s mostly Maurice, who often morphs into Mr. Whinypants Johnson for days at a time, and who can blame him what with having the name Maurice and all, but I’m trying to make a point). Do we really think we can transfer that sort of devil-may-care, lackadaisical, possibly traumatizing supervision to a human child? Because, well, yeah, maybe, but we’re The Gay, so people always watch us on that kind of stuff, as opposed to the Normal, Heterosexual People, who can chain their children to a radiator in the basement for years and get boxed chocolates from Children’s Services each Thursday – do you hear what I’m saying? It’s a lot of freaking responsibility! And besides my curmudgeonly, spastic, slovenly ways, Mrs. Nator can barely remember where she put her cell phone, wallet or keys half the time, nor to purchase toilet paper when we are completely out, so... well, to wit, allow me to quote a passage from The Importance of Being Earnest, most particularly some key lines I delivered myself whilst playing Miss Prism in our much-acclaimed and extended high school production:
Lady Bracknell: … Prism! Where is that baby? [A pause.]Miss Prism: Lady Bracknell, I admit with shame that I do not know. I only wish I did. The plain facts of the case are these. On the morning of the day you mention, a day that is for ever branded on my memory, I prepared as usual to take the baby out in its perambulator. I had also with me a somewhat old, but capacious hand-bag in which I had intended to place the manuscript of a work of fiction that I had written during my few unoccupied hours. In a moment of mental abstraction, for which I never can forgive myself, I deposited the manuscript in the basinet, and placed the baby in the hand-bag.
Jack: [Who has been listening attentively.] But where did you deposit the hand-bag?
Miss Prism: Do not ask me, Mr. Worthing.
Jack: Miss Prism, this is a matter of no small importance to me. I insist on knowing where you deposited the hand-bag that contained that infant.
Miss Prism: I left it in the cloak-room of one of the larger railway stations in London.
I don’t remember much after that, except supposedly all ended well, but every night just before blackout I had to fling myself into the passionate embrace of the boy playing Rev. Chasuble, with a force that broke my granny glasses not once, but twice. Apparently, this was extremely humourous to the audience, but a bit disconcerting to me, especially since somehow I infused said glasses with a good portion of my characterization and, once they were broken, ran around most of the next day trying to scrape up new ones, else I wouldn’t feel all Stanislavskied all up in my Method, or something. Oh, and that I was called Laetitia, which, knowing me, would be a name I would saddle a baby with just for my own amusement. So, you see? I am far too circumlocutory to be a parent, and, what’s more, neurotic and just a little bit mean.
As I said, my partner wants children. What’s more, she insists that I really want them, too, and would make an excellent parent. It’s just that I’m held back by my fears of being good enough, memories of a difficult childhood, &c. In fact, it is not just my partner who says this, but a number of my so-called friends and family members. Apparently, if you asked them, they would tell you that children’s eyes just light up when they see me, and I speak some special language that only small animals and children understand. Moreover, I am so sweet and kindhearted, so intelligent and entertaining, it would be nigh on a crime if I didn’t reproduce or at least raise some little foundling posthaste. To which I answer: Projecting – all of you! And also: Quit having me on! And finally: Have your own damn children, keep your guilty guiltifying and… and… thanks, but – yikes!
See, the thing is, I’m pretty sure that if I’d gotten together with Mrs. Nator and she’d never wanted to have children, I’d be totally behind that. Because I did have a difficult childhood, and I do have self-esteem issues, and I never had much experience with other children except as a child myself, who, quite frankly, did not even understand or relate well to them, then. So, until recently, when I saw a kid, it was more discomfiting than heartwarming to me. You never know what they’re thinking, what they really want or how easily they might break – or break you - in my book. Nowadays, I’ve somehow begun to actually look at some babies and children and think they’re, okay, kind of cute, but I’m not entirely certain that isn’t because everyone’s telling me I’m supposed to, you dig?
And yet… of course I’m worried that what they say is true. That I am holding back my precious love that could nurture little beings due to my own fears, self-doubt and internalized homophobia. That one day, if I don’t have or take in any children, but soon, I will look back and say “I missed out on the greatest joy in life, and I am nothing without progeny to carry on my… me-ness (and quite possibly pay for my in-home senior care nurse/companion).” Not to mention that I’m worried that Mrs. Nator will decide that this all bespeaks some unconscionable flaw in my character and go find someone more interested in increasing the population. (To which I add: “the Earth is drowning in a blood-sucking, environment-and-species-destroying infestation of homo sapiens as we speak, many of whom are fundamentalists and Republicans!” To which she answers: “All the more reason for us to bring up a good one or two to balance things out and do something good,” and I counter “The devil you say – they’ll be ground in the corporate cogs and eaten!” And then she decides she has some important business to attend to involving removing her hangnails, or reading the obituaries, or some such.)
So, it is with all this in mind that, each time I go down to visit the little Natorling nephew and niece, I observe them, their parents and myself quite closely. Here are some of my observations from this past weekend:
- Niece and Nephew Natorling are, as children go, fairly adorable. Nephew is a budding little geekling and niece is, as they say, spirited, which it is alleged is the way I was at her age, which is… I’m not sure how I feel about that.
- Okay, it is true: children do find me hilarious – at least these two. Apparently, I have excellent taste in children’s literature (not surprising, as I was a bookworm, myself). Also, the way I run back and forth and pick them up is, it would appear, a laugh riot. On the other hand, how many ways are there to run around and pick children up, especially if one doesn’t have the history of herniated discs that I do? It ain’t rocket science.
- Children can teach us valuable lessons. Niece taught me, for example, that it is perfectly acceptable and effective to stare lengthily and utterly blankly at someone when they ask you a question until they go away, not because you don’t know the answer, but because you don’t feel like talking to them.
- At age eight, boys seem to be acutely aware that they have penises. They are not acutely aware, however, that everyone else is can see when they are touching their penises, and may not find this quite as stimulating, in a good way. Good Lord, as a card-carrying lifelong lesbian, I just don’t know how I’d handle that one with my own child. I’d be afraid of either allowing him to grow into another Dan Hoyt or, conversely, causing him to become afraid of his own penis and end up telling someone to put the lotion in the basket someday. In Nephew’s defence, however, I will say that, once again, he is only eight and, from what I have gathered from casual observation, this is a habit many grown men not only never outgrow, but parlay into profit in one way or another.
- Having a small child hug, kiss or snuggle up to you can fill one with contentment. Having a small child violently smush your cheeks and call you “squishy!” (or, in the case of GrandMaMa Nator, exclaim “you have a beard!”)… not so much.
- Children rarely like to share. Fortunately, this is counterbalanced by their short attention spans, so if you grab the thing they clung to so greedily five minutes ago, they’ll hardly notice.
- Children can be heartbreaking. The most difficult part of the visit was listening in while Sis and Bro-in-law Nator explained to Nephew that, whereas Niece would share their bed to make room for the guests, he had become too big to join them. Hearing a usually happy and mature kid repeatedly sob “but I would do anything to make you change your mind!” made me want to crawl into my safe space. His parents dealt with it admirably and fairly, but I am not so sure I could have done the same in their place. After all, how do we ever reconcile ourselves completely to the fact that we will inevitably hurt the ones we love? And how much more devastating is that when it is our children we hurt, and vice versa?
- If you cannot smile at a naked, giggling and dancing two and a half year old, you are probably dead.
Such are my most recent observations. I can’t say that any of this has entirely eased my mind or helped me make it up one way or another. I can say, however, that it is oh so much more quiet when there are no small children around, even when the cats try their damnedest to be annoying. So, here’s my thought: Several more cats, for practice. Also, I can test out some toys on my own, to see what it’s like - particularly the computer games. Finally, I suppose if I should be afflicted with the miracle of virgin birth I will see it through, albeit from my cozy perch in a padded cell, no doubt. Until then, I have more observing and thinking to do. Perhaps I will decide by the time I am forty. Perhaps.
Emotional Trauma?
I am... displeased.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Deep Thoughts
Questions for the day:
1. Am I a total commie for taking May Day off?
2. Can we go back to the days when gay people were expected not to have children?
3. How does clutter reproduce?