Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Walk with Da Nator: Green-Wood Cemetery

Not to be out-done by Someone's back yard photos or so-and-so's continually classy Brooklyn pics, I present you with a photo and video tour from my home to Green-Wood Cemetery. The photos are in their own Flickr set, and each one has a caption describing it. The accompanying videos are below.

If you like this, I may do more. Enjoy!

Raining petals

From the Altar of Liberty

Magnolias before the Verrazano-Narrows

For other tours of the area, check out the Forgotten NY 5th Ave and Green-Wood tour pages, the sexy jesus tour of Green-Wood and the Green-Wood official site.


Corn Dog said...

That cemetery and your neighborhood are so grassy and beautiful. I don't know why I thought Brooklyn was like Oakland. Definitely not. Thanks for the slice.

FirstNations said...

these were beautiful, danator!
my god, the avenue with the trees in full white blossom. how gorgeous.
thank you.