Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hello, Mr. President

OK, I may be behind on this one, but I was just thrilled to discover that Jimmy Carter has started a diary on DKos!

Words cannot describe how much I admire this man. I don't think the term "pine" would be strong enough to indicate how I feel - as in, I pine for a new U.S. president with half his character, or I pine for him to be my adoptive grandfather and/or mentor. I am just all a-twitter at the opportunity to read recent posts from him and see how he answers questions.

His first post was, understandably, a plug for his son's senate campaign in Nevada and his current book (both worthy causes), but it looks like he's taken up answering questions now, and may have more comments in the future. Joy!

Welcome to the world of blogging, Mr. President! I can't express enough how thrilling and humbling it is to have you here.

P.S.: Squeee!

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