Wednesday, May 16, 2007

He No Likey

Maurice does not like it when there is a thunderstorm.

Maurice does not like it when you run the wet vac machine.

Maurice ESPECIALLY does not like it when he hides from the thunderstorm, and you scare him out of his hidey-hole to retrieve the wet vac machine, and then RUN IT FOR HALF AN HOUR.

Maurice thinks he will find a novel and surprising new place to void his bladder.

Just you wait and see.


Corn Dog said...

I love you Maurice, you wild neurotic thang. Are you sure you are not me reincarnated? Oh wait. I'm still alive, aren't I? So, that can't work.

Red Seven said...

Your Maurice and my Shamrock should get together and go bowling. Seriously.

Moominmama said...

I once knew a cat named Icecream who peed in baskets of clean laundry. Problem was it was rarely discovered before it dried completely, and then when you put your socks on eventually your feet would sweat and rehydrate the pee and you'd stand there sniffing and trying to figure out the source of the horrific odor and you'd walk away to escape it and it would follow you and no one would be your friend because you smelled bad and you had no idea what was causing it. ahem.

FirstNations said...


TigerYogi said...

Ah, Parenthood! :)

BigAssBelle said...

and isn't he a GRAND and fine lad?? gorgeous. let him pee wherever he wants.

Kenyo said...

Should you REALLY be running the wet vac during a thunderstorm?