Thursday, June 29, 2006

Blather Of The Day

Link Of The Day

I just had another review put up in six line reviews, this time of the Rufus concert. If my one here was too windy for you, check it out.

This also gave me the opportunity to post my new self-portrait in my review bio, like so:

@#$%! Of The Day

Since joining the gym several months ago, I have been both eating sensibly and doing more targeted heart-rate cardio per week than I have in years, and yet I am steadily gaining weight. In fact, this morning I officially weighed in at my heaviest ever. What gives?

Geeky Revelation Of The Day

I am totally addicted to So You Think You Can Dance, y’all. Like, I re-watched several of the routines last night more than once. Especially the tango.

It’s just so refreshing to see so many young contestants have such great attitudes and work ethics. They’re miles ahead of many of the American Idol contestants, probably because everybody wants to be a famous singer, but there is more serious hard work and less opportunities and rewards involved in becoming a dancer.

And also? I have a wee crush on Mia Michaels. I love the way she talks and she’s got a very dykey vibe, IMHO (not that I’m trying to spread any rumours, heavens forfend).

Finally, what could be gayer than a show in which the grand prize includes performing in CĂ©line Dion’s Vegas show? And the answer is: none. None more gay.

Whaa…? Of The Day

According to this article, production is afoot for both a Fraggle Rock movie and – get this – a sequel to The Dark Crystal!

Now, if only they bring back a Mystic and cast Steve Perry in the role, my dreams will be fulfilled.

Separated at birth?

Please forgive me, Steve, I love you. Will you perform at my wedding?


Conor Karrel said...

Dear Nator, I would suspect that you are gaining muscle weight and losing fat weight, but since muscle is heavier than fat it looks like, but just weighing, that you are indeed getting fatter, not true. I recommend getting (and they're not too expensive) a body fat % scale that will give you a better indication of how your progressing toward your goals (I got mine on Amazon, believe it or not!)

My ex is Lyle Conway, he was working on the sequel to the Dark Crystal when I was with him, peliminary script stuff and all, and there's only one Mystic/Skeksis in the script at this point, there's a whole new threat and a couple of new characters that the film would focus on since Jen and Kira are now really old, but Aughra (the one eyed witch) is still around.

Thought you might like to know.

Da Nator said...

So, no Steve Perry, then? Crumbs.

Thanks, MEK. I know I am gaining muscle, but I've deliberately tried to focus on cardio in order to slim down, and I'm getting nowhere. This is a theme for me (not to be graphic, but it seems to go with some recalcitrant girl parts), so I'm investigating several programs where they will analyze my adrenal system, etc.


Lou Ferrigno

P.S.: I will now be looking to you for all my Dark Crystal-related updates!

Anonymous said...

Go by clothin' size, m'darlin' Bosun, not by th'scale. I bet ye look fabulous!