Tuesday, December 14, 2004

News of the day

Things you might have blah blah blah...

Holy Frijoles!
The whole voter fraud investigation thing is going nuts, at least in the liberal blog world. Software programmer Clint Curtis testified before congress today that he had been asked by Congressman Feeney (R, FL) to create a program that could hack into voting results back in 2000. Meanwhile, David Cobb, the Green Party presidential candidate, stated at the Democratic House Judiciary Committee's Columbus hearings that a voting company representative tampered with voting equipment and attempted to plant false information into the Ohio recount. For full details, see Brad Blog Too.

No Wonder We're So Welcome There
U.S. Military 'Obstructing' Medical Care in Iraq.
Words fail me.

Got a Handi-Wipe?
Because I just threw up...
Bush Awards Medal of Freedom to Three

Why We Won't Have a White Christmas
Because of global warming, of course. And simple changes like that are decent enough evidence, WWF scientists said today. Meanwhile, delegates from more than 190 countries are in Buenos Aires discussing how to implement the Kyoto pact. You know, the environmental standards pact the U.S. of A. hasn't signed?
Even our goverment won't help the environment, you can here.

To Be Replaced by the Ford Battleship
Speaking of the environment, it seems as though Ford may actually kill off the Excursion. We'll see.

But Someone Finally Has a Good Idea for the Environment
This is awesome: Italian province uses donkeys to trim flora along highways.
And which would you rather see on your trip? An adorable ungulate, or a big, nasty mower?

Is Anyone Listening?
It may not feel like it when you look at the escalating treatment of mental illness by cruel and damaging imprisonment. But check out this editorial in the NY Times by Brent Staples.

One a lighter note...
Aren't You Glad You Don't Celebrate the Holidays This Way?
Unless you do...
Although the idea of an actual Decemberween fest is not without appeal...

And in another part of Europe...
Proud France Inaugurates World's Highest Bridge
What can I say? That's pretty cool. I just wish I could get those visions of "Galloping Gertie" out of my head.

And finally,
Oh, Baby, Oh
The London-based Literary Review has awarded Tom Wolfe with the annual prize for bad sex in fiction. Hee!

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