Tuesday, August 01, 2006


This should cool you off.


FirstNations said...

its a turtle.
a nice turtle.
*so not getting it*
a very nice turtle.

backpost: eek on the rampaging ear infection! eek on the destroyed digestive system!
have you tried eating Ritz Crackers? honest to God, that works for me, and I'm a veteran of the sinus wars. They're the only thing I can eat that stays down and doesn't cruise right through.
I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Damn, now I've got a turtle's head.

Da Nator said...

first nations: It's so hot here, I thought it would be nice to post one of the pictures I took while snorkelling with the green sea turtles in Hawaii. Interestingly enough, when I was entering the caption for this photo in Flickr, I meant to type "Honu", which is the Hawaiian name for green sea turtles, but instead had a Freudian slip and typed "Home." On refelection, swimming with these gentle creatures was definitely one of the times I felt most at home in my life. *Sigh*

Thanks for the advice & concern, BTW. I'm taking aloe and acidophilus, so my stomach seems to be cooperating, now.

qenny: Who in the what now? Is that some sort of Britishism I don't understand, or is it some penis thing I don't understand? Or is it just a qenny thing? ;o)