Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dear Margaret Cho’s Ex-Manager,

Thanks for your comment on my last blog entry. I was quite surprised that you found my brief review of Ms. Cho’s show in my tiny corner of the Internet, but I suppose that if one is in a lawsuit, it pays to keep track of everything, no matter how trivial.

In light of your comment, I’d like to make a few clarifications. First off, I’m sorry to tell you that I don’t remember much that would be useful for your case. I’m not even sure she really said you were suing her. All I recall is Ms. Cho stating that she was in a lawsuit with you and that you have a blog up about it, which you yourself directed me to in your comment (great site, by the way – kudos!). I may have forgotten to mention in my post that not only was I half-deaf and somewhat feverish with an ear infection that night, but I had a drink, so clearly my memories wouldn’t stand up to examination. In fact, I’m not really sure I was even there that night. Perhaps you could find some other audience members through Vixen?

Anyway, you seem like a nice person, and it is sad that Margaret Cho wasn’t funny. Clearly you are in the right, and I wish you well with your legal proceedings.


- DN

Dear Margaret Cho,

On the off chance that you also saw my review of your show in Provincetown (because, apparently, you never know who might be reading), I’d like to make a few clarifications. First off, I was obviously quite sick that night, as well as three sheets to the wind, so my opinion probably counts for nothing. After all, I came to the show because I’d enjoyed your previous routines, and everybody but me in the audience seemed to have a great time, so obviously you were very funny and I just wasn’t getting it. I mean, why not repeat your classic jokes? They were funny the first… several times, right? So forget what I said. You were really, really funny. I am just retarded, or frigid or something.

Also, did I mention you looked great? You really, really did. Like I said, healthy and normal. I would even venture to say glowing. Seriously.

By the way, I also never mentioned that you said that you felt like your ex-manager was obsessed with you, and hunting down everything on the Web about you. I mean, I’m not even sure I heard that right, and who am I to spread rumours? I’m hardly a star witness; certainly not one whose feeble recollections would be worthy of presenting in a court of law, that’s for sure.

Anyway, you seem like a nice person, and have done so much for the queer community. Clearly you are in the right, and I wish you well with your legal proceedings.

Kiss Kiss,

- DN


Helen the Felon said...

Our very own little Nator, embroiled in a Hollywood scandal! So...proud...(tear)

Anonymous said...

no! this isn't meant to happen. stuff in blogland isn't meant to get mixed up with stuff in real life. it's breaking the rules. everything here is nice and safe and pretend.

Karen said...

Thank you fellow "winged monkeys" everywhere.

Please trust that you are in excellent and distinguished company.

Anonymous said...

"By the way, I also never mentioned that you said that you felt like your ex-manager was obsessed with you, and hunting down everything on the Web about you. I mean, I’m not even sure I heard that right, and who am I to spread rumours?"

amazingly accurate...